Yes, you read correctly, I think -I- need a break from TSC. There are reasons both outside of TSC and about TSC why I need this break. The reasons outside of TSC I won't go into, it's a bit personal >_>. However, the main thing about TSC for why I need a break is the legitimacy of a certain player(smizzla if for some reason you had no idea). He's done so much in so little time with -little to no- proof. I mean, the guy has a 0p championship in Sonic 1 without a lick of proof for crying out loud, and no one calls him out on it? And even if smizzla is bs'ing, and you guys rely on mike to make sure he isn't, how would I know mike wouldn't side with smizzla whether he's right or wrong? My main issue now is trust, I don't have a lot of it anymore. So yes, I'm taking a break, maybe even from chat, for quite some time until I get my head straight and my thoughts in order.